Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weekend Activities

Not so much knitting this weekend, instead, lots of beading:


I'm working on a peony for Bead Obsessions. If I can finish this, then I can move on to other things.


Next weekend, there is a mini flower show at Bead Obsessions and guess whose flowers will be on display! A lot of items in my house will be moved over there. I wish I had some more time to plan for this and work on flowers but for short notice...I guess it'll be okay. There will also be a seed bead event that weekend. Gotta love the seed beads. And it all coincides with my birthday next Friday. Yay!


Crymson Flower said...

I'm jealous! I wish I had a local bead store that sold seed beads, or at least knew what a beaded flower was!

nordwolke said...

I would love to see pictures of the mini flower show. And peonies are fun to make!