Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chicago Pics

I've put the pictures from the Chicago trip here. You'll all get the see the psuedo-fam whom I spend holidays with. I grew up with Lynn and Tina. I met Lynn when she was 2 and I met Tina when she was a week old. And now Lynn has graduated from college. Aww...

I also finished the first of the grasshopper socks during graduation. Hey, if I had to sit somewhere to wait a couple of hours for a ceremony to start and then sit through a ceremony where they read off 1000 names, you bet I'd have knitting! The last picture in the set was a picture of the sunburn I came back with.

1 comment:

knitfriendly said...

Thanks for posting the pics. It is great to finally see faces for the people that you talk about! :)