Saturday, June 23, 2007

Guy moments

I've decided to start another category. This is the "I'm such a guy moment" category. I think this is because a good number of my good friends are guys and I have this tendency to run off for a weekend for sports related events and drinking. So today's moment...

I went to Costco to check out this 42" LCD tv because it's going on sale on Monday and I've read "love it" reviews and "I really hate that shitty thing" reviews. I had to go see for myself. I liked it. The images were sharper than the tvs around it and the settings weren't even turned all the way up. I was getting a little could even say, turned on. And then, somewhere in the loop that Costco has playing was a commercial for "NHL on NBC". THIS was the reason I started madly looking at HD. OH. MY. GOD! I was ready to cry tears of joy. I was turned on/excited by a piece of electronic equiptment of the audio/video variety.


The Lone Beader® said...

Nothing wrong with a guy moment from time to time. I have them all the time because I am obsessed with my vintage Buick. LOL. And that reminds me, check out my secret blog I started with a guy friend of mine... Lata=)

bethc said...

So liking video equipment is a guy thing? Whoops... who knew...