Saturday, October 14, 2006


I put on shorts today. Along with a sleeveless top. And for good measure, I put something long sleeve over that...for before I warmed up. This was before I stepped out of the house. After I stepped out of the house, it still felt a bit cold, but that's okay.
Then I got into the car and saw that it was 30 something degrees. How did no one mention this critical fact to me? So my plan to run 16 miles today did not come to fruition. I ran maybe the first 2 or 3 miles. And then I was over in East Potomac Park. And my muscles just didn't work. The river side of the park was ridiculously cold with the wind blowing off the river. So I walked around East Potomac park and got back to the tidal basic and walked myself to the Smithsonian metro where I returned to my car. Overall, a not so successful morning. I did decide to knit myself a wool cap because the wind blowing against my head was giving me a headache.

1 comment:

knitfriendly said...

:( I'm sorry Judy! That sucks. At least you tried. Make your hat out of mission falls. Wool and very soft! :)