Sunday, December 21, 2008

A time to give thanks

Yeah, normally that's Thanksgiving but I do have something to give thanks for today.

It's been snowing all week and the roads in RI are a bit icy. I was trying to switch lanes and when my car started moving over, I realized I was going too fast and that there was ice on the ground and lost control of the car. The car managed to not hit the car in front of me, turned 270 degrees on 95 and was stopped by the snow packed along the center median. When I let go, it was an interesting moment because there was some sense peace and I had said "Let go and whatever will happen will happen." The car stopped. The cars on the highway behind me were far enough behind and going slow enough that I saw them slow down because they all saw what had happened. I was able to start the car and pull out and keep going. I was about 40 minutes away from Providence and managed to make it here okay. I couldn't see any damage to the body of the car but I know something did hit because the car now shakes when it goes above 50mph. So, very very lucky and much to give thanks for today. I do think that my mom was watching over me because it really could've been a lot worse than it actually was.

The question now am I going to make it back to Virginia. Will the car be fixed in time?


Anonymous said...

So glad everything worked out ok... you were, indeed, very lucky. Hope the car is an easy fix, we'll be thinking about you.

Unknown said...

Judy-girl. Thank god. Take train home.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're okay! I hope it gets fixed in time to come home (maybe you can just drive back very, very slowly?)

Meda Brunda said...

Dear Judy:

I am glad that you are OK, and that your spirits have not been shaken by this little mishap...

Wishing you and your loved ones Happy Holiday Season.

A word of advice... Black Ice and gas don't go along... trust me on this one... What you did on "letting go" was the smartest thing to do, considering the circumstances... & you obviously have a guardian angel looking over you, as you were not trampled by the infamous idiots of the 95 corridor drivin' 150 on a wintery day...

Stay Safe... Cheers!


Crymson Flower said...

crazy weather makes for crazy driving conditions. Glad you're safe, and have a wonderful holiday.

knitfriendly said...

Glad to hear you are ok - just getting to blogs right now otherwise I would have commented sooner. And another plus is you don't have to go to the body shop again! :)