Sunday, August 27, 2006

Finished - Peacock Feathers Shawl

Friday, I brought the shawl with me to work so that I could prepare to block. I had planned on using the Yarn Harlot method of blocking. So I weaved in my ends and ran a line across the top.
Friday night, this was the scene:
Note that it is blocking on a queen sized mattress. I think I could use a king size in the future for blocking.

A bit more detail. There are pins across the top, down the center, and in each loopy thing along the sides.


With a little help from Patricia, Mary, and Chris while at the bead store, we managed to take this picture. I photoshopped out the background. But the loopy things wouldn't stay flat.
A woman there asked if I made these for sale. Well...I'd do it if I judged you worthy. This is kind of like how a bank runs a credit check...this is a worthiness check. Patricia's answer to that woman was, "Do you have $10,000 lying around?" Yeah. I loved the lace, but it is time consuming and detail oriented.
But putting this on for the first time, I decided that I must make another one.


Pattern: Fiddlesticks Knitting - Peacock Feathers Shawl
Yarn: JaggerSpun Zephyr - 50% Chinese Tussah silk, 50% fine Merino wool
Color: Cassis
Needles: Addi Turbo size 4


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great shawl. I envy you so much that you can bead flowers AND knit like a "lunatic"!!! 10,000 Dollars! *lol* Seems to be an adequate price. My mother knitted large table cloth in the past. They look similar. They are really gorgeous. Like this shawl!!!

I have been trying to knit again recently. But I don't seem to get it. Now I have ordered an English book. The German ones don't seem to be that helpful ...

Amber said...

Wow. That is really, really beautiful.

knitfriendly said...

Judy, that is amazing. You did a gorgous job on that shawl.